Outlast and Updates on Schatzi

Out last has seriously stolen my soul. For those of you that do not know, it is a survival horror game that takes place in a mental asylum where you are a journalist named Miles Upshur investigating a series of strange events that have been supposedly happening within the institute. Poor Miles. Throughout the whole game I bet he is wanting to kill the guy that tipped him off about the place, because, let me tell ya, it is certainly not paradise.

The game scares the crap out of me. Not to give too much away about it, but toward the end of the game you find out there is more than just mutilated inmates running around and that the whole game you have been pursued by a psychotic demon named the Walrider that looks like a black mass of Carnage or Venom from Spiderman and can follow you through pretty much anything, which means you cannot hide from him whatsoever and have to run, run, and run some more while screaming and flailing like a little girl.

Either way, the game is totally addicting. It scares me more than Amnesia, which is saying something. That was the first game that ever affected me so badly that I had to physically walk away from the computer a few times to take a break because I was literally shaking so bad from being scared that I thought I was going to pass out.

There is a prequel in the works that will tell the tale of what happened within the asylum before Miles broke in and caused all the fuss. I can’t wait, it’s actually coming out at the end of this month so I started playing it at just the right time! Honestly, I really wish that Sims 4 would fucking come out already so that I stop playing all these games that freak the fuck out of me.

I love horror games but good god sometimes I swear I am going to have a heart attack playing them. Watch me playing the first beginning 13-14 minutes of Outlast here, if you dare:


Now, for an update on Schatzi. She is doing OK. I have made it a point to have her out of the crate and with me more. As much as I want to, I can’t have her out while I am working, so I have had her in the bed with me when I am sleeping. This seems to help her anxiety/separation issues.

She doesn’t always cooperate though. I tried to have her in bed with me yesterday and she refused. Kept going to the door and wanting out so I had to put her in her crate. I am going to keep trying to have her in bed with me at least a few hours a day until she has to pee. The vet said any less time that she can get in there is for the better but hopefully the pills he prescribed will help.

I am not as worried about it now as I was before. Rachel will be here in about 22 days and this reassures me that I will have the help I need to accommodate Schatzi’s needs with more confidence! She was put on Reconcile and it is supposed to help with both anxiety and separation issues. It won’t start working for a month, as the process is gradual, but if I don’t see any changes in a month I have to give her two pills a day rather than one.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that this helps. I’ll obviously keep everyone updated on the matter. Because of the peeing and such, Schatzi had a yeast/bacteria infection from the urine and that freaked me out. Mom suggested wiping her off with a cloth every time she comes out of the crate and I notice that she has peed on herself. They also told me to spray her with a special spray once a day that kills bacteria and prevents infections.

This seems to be really helping and I am taking her back to the vet next Saturday so will know more then. I am definitely not gonna let her get sick again. It really broke my heart to know that had happened. They say the infection is minor and easily treated, but want to see her in a week or so to make sure the infection is improving. I am keeping my fingers crossed! I feel like a horrible pet owner, but I am keeping my chin up. No point in dwelling in the past, and I am making improvements for her. That’s all I can do, as a good pet owner!